Mardi Gras!

Here we begin our day full of fun!

Before we even began to work, we looked up a number of Krewe's to use as possibilities for the fun! We found images for inspiration to use for our creations to help with design and color schemes. I chose to use the Krewe of Poseidon as my Mardi Gras idea, below is pictured my original draft.

We then took our headshots in a plastic sleeve and created a draft of our creation onto our faces. That is pictured below↓

Now the fun begins!!!

First, after applying a lot of moisturizer, we took our brown pencil and outlined the graphic designs on our faces. I then applied a lot of blue using my paintbrush on my face. The product of this is below (feat. Sue)↓

I then filled in the non-blue spots with the appropriate colors (the diamond on my face was filled with a light green, the crosses on my cheeks have a dark purple, and my lips and eyebrows are filled with white) ↓

We then re-outlined our faces and graphic designs with a thin black - enough to give each figure its shape. ↓

After finishing, I applied buckets of cold cream, used baby wipes to lightly wipe my face, cleaned my brushes and station, and called it a day!

That's Mardi Gras for ye!

