Color Theory

           In this exercise, we studied color theory by creating a color wheel with watercolor paint.

First, we put red, blue and yellow paint the size of quarters on our tablet. We then took our paintbrushes and began painting in the individual base colors required for the color wheel. Once finished with that, we mixed colors together on our tablets to create Orange, Green & Violet. We then fill in those colors in the designated areas.

        This is what my color wheel was going to be before I realized that Orange does not go there lol.
This is what my final product looked like after fixing and finishing my color wheel.

We also tinted and shaded watercolors!
First, we put black & white paint on our tablets and mixed them together to create different kinds of shades.

This was the final product on our black and white shades.
After completing this, we used a primary color and created shades (mine was Blue!)
This is the final product of my blue shades.

Getting this 🍞🍞🍞🍞!


  1. Orange does not go there. But you fixed it. Nice

  2. Your black and white transition is nicely done! Bread was gotten!

  3. I appreciate that you included your mistake! Great correction.

  4. Awesome black and white transitions!

  5. I like the color of the paint before you mixed it

  6. diggin the layout and the bread comment


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